Monday, October 20, 2008

Duality of My Memory

Well, how to say, how to start... ^^; Uhm, okay, it started last night, when i have some conversations with a friend. Actually, it's more to.. i share story to her, more to a one way conversation. After all those sentences i blunted out, my friend just say: "Don't you think you memorize too much?"

That starts a deeper thinking, reconsidering if that's true or not. To be honest, i always see myself as a person who has short-term memory. I tend to forget things easily, especially names. But to think about what my friend just said... ya, in some parts, i have to admit, i memorize a lot. I can remember acts that happened a very long time ago, like when i was only 3 years old or even younger. I don't know, some acts crossed my mind just like that, not evadable.

Which one is better: memorize a bit or memorize a lot? I hate to say, both has its own benefits. The "memorize-a-bit" me makes me easier to forget hard times, easier to forgive, easier to let go. The "memorize-a-lot" me makes me value more things, enables me to go deep inside myself and track down some things/feelings.

What can i say, i have both types of memories in my head. I just have to deal with them well. I hope i can synchronized them well. LOL.

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